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Crystal Meth Abuse Signs, Symptoms and Addiction Treatment Call 9099070459

Crystal Meth Abuse Signs, Symptoms and Addiction Treatment

Crystal meth has surpassed cocaine as the drug of choice for young people and has left a wake of destroyed lives in its aftermath. Meth addiction runs rampant in America and throughout the world. As such, parents and users need to recognize the signs of methamphetamine addiction and seek out treatment.

Crystal meth is a stimulant that is named for the crystalline structure it assumes during manufacture. The drug is most commonly smoked, but it can also be injected or taken in pill form. It is commonly created in homemade labs using common household ingredients and over-the-counter medicine.

Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 1

Signs and Symptoms

Crystal meth signs and symptoms are often related to the drug’s impact on the body as a function of its stimulant nature. A single sign may not determine an addiction, but several signs seen over a short period of time can mean an addiction. Signs include:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Weight loss
  • Eye twitching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Repetitious behavior
  • Hyperactivity

People with an addiction to methamphetamine can also stay up for days at a time followed by an extreme crash, where they sleep for long periods. They can also go into a manic phase, where they have compulsive and obsessive needs for cleaning.

Those addicted to crystal meth for an extended period may show signs of extreme weight loss, seizures, rotted teeth and sores on the mouth and face. If you would like more information about crystal meth symptoms, call 1-800-943-0566. It’s never too late to find proper treatment. Don’t let this chance slip away.

Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 2

Effects of Crystal Meth Abuse

The Effects of Crystal Meth Use can be categorized as either physical or mental. The drug can have an impact on brain functions, causing damage to brain cells. This damage can lead to short-term memory loss and seizures.

The drug can also affect the skin, causing skin abscesses that often become infected because of a weakened immune system. This also leads to periods of sickness. Crystal meth can impact almost all areas of the body. It can lead to blindness, respiratory failure, kidney failure, chest pain, internal bleeding, brittle bones and malnutrition because of lack of eating and increased metabolism.

Psychological effects include psychosis and paranoia, aggressive behavior, mood instability, delusions, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia. Many of these are caused by a mix of sleep deprivation, over stimulation and damage to the brain.

Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 3

Crystal Meth Abuse Treatment

The common first step in treating crystal meth abuse is detoxification. This requires the addicted person to stop taking the drug and go into withdrawal. The symptoms of withdrawal can be intense, so a rehab center or family members are needed for support. Once the withdrawal occurs, the addict is likely to take the drug again, unless there is a strong support system.

Since methamphetamine is a stimulant, treatment continues with addressing and treating depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. This treatment uses both medication and psychology. Often, there are underlying psychological reasons why a person uses drugs. Without addressing these reasons, the person is more likely to return to the drug. Call  9099070459 Tehran to discuss treatment options. We are available 24 hours a day to help.

Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 4

Crystal Meth Statistics

  • The severe tooth decay caused by crystal meth addiction is called “meth mouth.”
  • In Asia, meth is commonly used as a pill called Yaba in Thailand and Shabu in the Philippines.
  • In Hawaii, 48.2 percent of those seeking addiction help for drug abuse were crystal meth users.
  • The worldwide production of amphetamine stimulants is more than 500 metric tons per year, according the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
  • There are more than 24.7 million methamphetamine users in the world.
  • Crystal meth has one of the highest relapse rates of any drug.

Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 5Crystal Meth Abuse Quiz question 6

Teen Crystal Meth Abuse

A recent survey by CBS news revealed that 1 in 33 teens in the United States has tried meth and a quarter of those surveyed said crystal meth was easy to get and had some benefits. Crystal meth is one of the most widely used drugs among young people. Teens tend to enjoy the stimulant effects of the drug, which is readily available. Since crystal meth is often created in small local laboratories, it doesn’t have to cross borders or travel long distances to get to users.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health has shown that crystal meth use among 12 to 17 year olds has dropped, but parents should still watch for the warning signs of meth use. It’s not too late to find help for you or your son or daughter. Call 9099070459 Tehran for more information or to discuss treatment options. Help for Crystal Meth addict is always available for those who are determined to regain control of their lives.

پلیس سیاتل بعد از بیست سال عکسی از صحنه خودکشی کرت کوبین منتشر کرد

پلیس سیاتل بعد از بیست سال  عکس از صحنه خودکشی کرت کوبین  منتشر کرد این عکس در دوربین کرت کوبین بود

بعد از بیست سال عکسی از نیروانا در دوربین او پیدا شد

بیست سال بعد از خودکشی کرت کوبین مسئول پرونده خودکشی او  یک عکس که در دوربین عکاسی کرت کوبین در صحنه  خودکشی بوده است را منتشر کرد  پلیس اعلام کرد این دو عکس در ماهیت خودکشی کرت کوبین تغییری نمی دهد

کرت کوبین پایگذار گروه راک نیروانا  است

به علت استفاده از ماده مخدر ماری جوانا گل (شاخص شفق قطبی ) و پرورش این نوع ماری جوانا در گلخانه منزل توسط کرت کوبین این فرم ماری جوانا را طرفداران او  بعد از مرگش  به نام نیروانا نامگذاری کردند  

زندگی کرت کوبین

زمانی که 8 سال بیشتر نداشت پدر و مادرش از هم جداش شدند و این امر تاثیر جدی در روحیه ی کرت گذاشت! از کودکی از بیماری برونشیت (نوعی بیماری تنفسی) رنج میبرد! پدرش دوباره ازدواج کرد و کرت هیچ وقت نتوانست با نا مادری اش ارتباط برقرار کند و همین باعث شد همیشه در خانه ی خویشاوندانش آواره باشد. او بعدها که درباره زندگی‌اش صحبت می‌کرد گفت: آن زمان یادم می‌آید بابت پدر و مادرم شرمنده بودم و از دوستانم در مدرسه خجالت می‌کشیدم.
در 14 سالگی اولین گیتارش را هدیه گرفت و پس یک جلسه آموزش دیگه ادامه نداد و شیوه ی خود آموز خودش را شروع کرد.
Kurt Cobain items

This April 1994 photo provided by the Seattle Police Department shows items found at the scene of Kurt Cobain's suicide, in Seattle. آوریل سال  1994 عکس های ارائه شده توسط اداره پلیس سیاتل وسایل یافت شده در صحنه خودکشی کرت کوبین، در سیاتل را  نشان می دهد.

خودکشی(مشکوک) وی در 5 آوریل 1994 وقتی که فقط 27 سال داشت موجی از شوک روانی در میان میلیون‌ها تن از هواداران موسیقی راک بَرپا کرد.

 شبکهٔ اِم‌تی‌وی پخش برنامه‌های معمول‌اش را قطع کرد و بینندگان‌اش به‌ناگاه تصویر کرت لادر را روی صفحهٔ تلویزیون‌شان مشاهده‌کردند که با حالتی محزون خبر مربوط به مرگ کوبین را اعلام کرد. در سیاتل هزاران نفر از هوادارانش گرد هم آمدند و با روشن کردن شمع و آوازخوانی یاد او را گرامی داشتند.

 کورتنی لاو موقع خواندن وصیت نامه ی کوبین که ظاهراً متاثر شده‌بود و جمله‌های‌اش را با هق‌هق ادا می‌کرد پس از پایان متن با عصبانیت کوبین را asshole خطاب می‌کرد و از حضار می‌خواست که آن عبارت را بعداز او با صدای بلند تکرار کنند.از کرت کوبین به عنوان "صدای نسل خودش" یاد میشود

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